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What is Mastering ?

Music production involves various stages, each contributing to the final polished result. One crucial step in this process is mastering. In this blog post, we

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Discover 7 great free synth VSTs for techno 

Good sounding sound sources are essential for producing professional-sounding techno. Contrary to common assumption, expensive hardware synthesizers are not required to sound “fat” or “analog.” I don’t want to start a digital vs. analog debate, but digital synths sound fantastic nowadays and can’t be distinguished from analog synths (certainly not from a layman). Some of these digital synths are open source projects, some are offered for free with a suggested donation, which is an excellent opportunity for a beginner to experiment without spending a lot of money. As a result, here is a top selections of 7 top free synths for techno production. 

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Demystifying DAWs: An in-depth look at the best DAW for techno music production

Digital audio workstations have revolutionized the music industry by making it easier and more accessible than ever before for musicians and producers to create professional-quality recordings. Whether you’re a beginner just starting out, or an intermediate producer looking to switch to a new DAW, this article will provide you with a comprehensive guide to choosing the right music production software for your techno production needs. However, it’s important to note that there is no “right” or “wrong” DAW when it comes to electronic music production. The choice of software ultimately depends on the intentions and preferences of each individual user.

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Breathe new life into your productions with these 7 creative inspiration techniques

It’s easy to become stuck in a rut as a techno producer when it comes to getting inspiration for your music. You may find yourself depending on the same sounds, techniques, and approaches that have previously worked for you, which can lead to creative stagnation. But don’t worry! There are several methods for shaking up your routine and discovering new sources of inspiration that may assist you in pushing the boundaries of your music and taking it in interesting new directions. Whether you’re a seasoned producer or just getting started, these ideas will help you unlock your creative potential and create music that genuinely stands out.

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How to build a kick drum with ableton’s operator?

When I say that the kick is crucial in techno and the backbone of a techno track, I believe everyone will agree with me. The more critical part is that the kick sounds pleasant and has a high level of recognition. The 909 samples are excellent, however, they have been heard numerous times. If you want to stand apart, you should learn how to synthesize your own kicks. In theory, this may be accomplished with any synthesizer that supports pitch modulation. A kick drum is nothing more than a rapidly dropping pitch and volume modulation. In this little example, I’ll utilize Ableton’s operator, which is ideal for this purpose.

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How to get started producing techno-music?

The digital age in which we live is both a curse and a blessing. On the one hand, the barrier to entry for music production is lower than ever. On the other side, there is a great amount of garbage out there, making it tough to stand out. A computer and a few simple tools may very well perform tasks that formerly required incredibly expensive equipment. Particularly in electronic music, which does not require vocal recordings or external instruments, It is advisable to begin alone at home until you are able to capture your first successes and then move to a studio for example. However, some structure, planning, and discipline are required, which this article will explore in the next sections.

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How to craft a techno kick drum?

Techno music is typified by its driving, fast-paced rhythms,and often features kick drums that are processed to sound ‘punchy’ and ‘fat’. There are a number of different ways to achieve this sound, but In this article, I’ll go over the most common methods and basic approaches for building an effective techno-kick.

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