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How to get started producing techno-music?

The digital age in which we live is both a curse and a blessing. On the one hand, the barrier to entry for music production is lower than ever. On the other side, there is a great amount of garbage out there, making it tough to stand out. A computer and a few simple tools may very well perform tasks that formerly required incredibly expensive equipment. Particularly in electronic music, which does not require vocal recordings or external instruments, It is advisable to begin alone at home until you are able to capture your first successes and then move to a studio for example. However, some structure, planning, and discipline are required, which this article will explore in the next sections.

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How to craft a techno kick drum?

Techno music is typified by its driving, fast-paced rhythms,and often features kick drums that are processed to sound ‘punchy’ and ‘fat’. There are a number of different ways to achieve this sound, but In this article, I’ll go over the most common methods and basic approaches for building an effective techno-kick.

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What is techno? A dive into the genre’s origins.

Techno is now considered to be one of the most popular forms of dance music and its subgenres are widely played throughout many nightclubs around the world. Clubs such as Berghain in Berlin and Khidi in Tbilisi have huge subcultural influence and attract guests from all over the world. Commercial music industry players are capitalizing on this trend and attempting to capitalize on worldwide techno tourism. Festivals with enormous lineups and excessively expensive admission rates have become the norm. Techno appears to be profitable and appealing to a very large audience. But one wonders where this genre came from and what concepts inspired it. This article aims to provide some insight into the genre’s roots and the spirit that it now conveys.

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